Safeguarding Policy

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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

This policy is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains in line with statutory guidance. Its effectiveness is monitored through staff and management reviews, supervisions, and feedback to ensure appropriate knowledge and awareness are in place.

Copies are available to all staff and parents and can be accessed on the nursery website.

PART 1: Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Procedures


Southover Nursery is dedicated to the support, development, and promotion of high-quality care and education for the benefit of our children, families, and community.

We are committed to safeguarding children and promoting their welfare by proactively engaging with children, parents, carers, and colleagues to ensure children are safe and achieving their potential.

All staff, students, and volunteers have a responsibility to safeguard children, be vigilant, and report any safeguarding concerns in line with this policy and supporting policies, including:

Online Safety Policy

Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy

Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy

Recruitment, Selection, and Suitability of Staff Policy

Emergency Lockdown Policy

Respectful Intimate Care Policy

Inclusion and Equality Policy

Nappy Changing Policy

Late Collection and Non-Collection of Children Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy

Lone Working Policy

Staff Code of Conduct

Looked After Children Policy

Supervision of Children Policy

Low-Level Concern Policy

Supervision of Visitors Policy

Missing Child from Nursery Policy

Volunteers Policy

Outings Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Use Policy

Young Workers Policy

Security Policy

We ensure all staff, students, and volunteers have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out their duties. They are trained on how this policy and related procedures support them in safeguarding children.

All breaches of this policy must be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

Policy Intention

This policy:

•Clarifies that all staff, students, and volunteers have a responsibility to safeguard children and protect them from harm.

•Raises awareness of safeguarding and welfare procedures if a child protection issue arises.

•Applies to all children up to 18 years old, whether living with families, in state care, or independently.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children includes:

Providing early help and support when problems emerge.

Protecting children from maltreatment, including online.

Preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health.

Ensuring safe and effective care for children.

Promoting family-based care where appropriate.

Taking action to secure the best outcomes for children.

Child Protection is an integral part of safeguarding and refers to:

Protecting specific children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm (including online abuse).

To safeguard children, we will:

•Develop a safe culture where staff feel confident raising concerns.

•Train all staff to identify signs of abuse (including subtle indicators).

Share information with other agencies where necessary.


Listening to children

Positive images of children

Independence and autonomy

Safe environments

Tolerance and respect for diversity

Early intervention for children and families in need

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

The DSL is responsible for:

Overseeing safeguarding procedures

Coordinating staff training

Acting as a source of advice and support

Maintaining accurate, secure records

Ensuring compliance with legislation

Referring concerns to external agencies

Current DSLs:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Charlotte Hasan

Deputy DSL: Clare Moore

If neither DSL is available, contact the Local Safeguarding Partnership (LSP).

PART 2: Definitions of Abuse

Types of Abuse:

1.Physical Abuse – Hitting, shaking, poisoning, etc.

2.Emotional Abuse – Persistent emotional maltreatment.

3.Sexual Abuse – Forcing or enticing a child into sexual activities.

4.Neglect – Failing to meet a child’s basic needs.

Other Forms of Abuse:

Child-on-child abuse (bullying, sexual harm).

Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII).

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Breast Ironing.

Domestic Abuse.

Honour-Based Abuse.

Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

Extremism and Radicalisation.

Online Safety Risks.

All concerns must be reported in line with safeguarding procedures.

PART 3: Reporting Procedures

Steps to Report Concerns:

1.Immediately inform the DSL. If unavailable, contact the Deputy DSL, LSP, NSPCC, social services, or police.

2.Document the concern, including:

•Child’s name, age, and address.

•Date, time, and location of observation/disclosure.

•Exact words spoken by the child.

•Any injuries, behaviours, or incidents observed.

3.DSL assesses the concern and contacts external agencies if necessary.

4.Confidentiality is maintained, but child welfare takes priority.

5.If no action is taken, escalate the concern to social care or the police.

All allegations against staff are handled in line with Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) procedures.

PART 4: Recruitment, Induction, and Training

Safer Recruitment:

All staff undergo DBS checks.

References and identity verification are mandatory.

Clear recruitment processes prevent unsuitable candidates.

Induction and Training:

All new staff receive safeguarding training.

Annual safeguarding updates ensure compliance.

Apprentices and students receive protection under this policy.

Legal Framework

This policy aligns with UK laws and statutory guidance, including:

Children Act (1989 & 2004)

Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE, 2024)

Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2024)

The Domestic Abuse Act (2021)

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015) – Prevent Duty

Useful Contacts

Emergency Services:

Police (Emergency): 999

Police (Non-Emergency): 101

Child Exploitation & Online Protection (CEOP):

Support Services:

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Childline: 0800 1111

National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Policy Updated: February 2025

Review Due: August 2025

Author: Charlotte Hasan – Manager & DSL