Policies and Procedures
Please ask if you would like to read any of our full policies and procedures.
Be Healthy
- Administering medication (including staff medication); Supporting children with medical conditions; Healthcare plan (for children with specific healthcare needs).
- Food & drink; oral health.
- No nuts or sesame seeds.
- Healthy snacks & lunches; packed lunches; physical activity policy; healthy lunch advice & guidelines.
- Managing illness – illness during a nursery session; anaphylaxis; shock; ambulance procedure; immunisations policy; asthma attack; notifiable diseases; periods of exclusion for infectious disease; HPA guidance on infection control; notifiable diseases; allergen information; what to do in an asthma attack; immunisations guide.
- Child sleeping policy.
- Infection control policy; covid-19 policy – protective measures, procedures & protocols; flu pandemic policy; coronavirus guidance (Public Health England)
- No smoking, alcohol or drugs.
- Toileting and nappy changing.
Stay safe
- Staffing & employment – suitability & employment; qualifications; record of DBS checks & paediatric 1st aid training; new staff; induction policy; staff induction procedure; equal opportunities;
- Extreme weather – snow, storms and sun safety; heatwave; nursery closure.
- Fire safety and emergency evacuation; fire drill.
- First aid.
- Health and safety; risk assessment; daily health and safety check.
- Food hygiene.
- Induction policy; staff induction procedure; training checklist.
- Security; arrival & departure of children; emergency contacts & password; visitor policy;
- Outings
- Recording and reporting (RIDDOR); OFSTED Early Years Compliance Handbook; HSE guidance for reporting incidents.
- Missing child.
- Uncollected child & late collection.
- Student placement.
Enjoy and achieve
- EYFS (revised 2024) overview; characteristics of effective teaching & learning; prime & specific areas; EYFS Development Matters (2020) statements; craft plan; planning (focus & weekly); continuous provision.
- Cultural capital.
- Observation, assessment, planning & teaching policy; transition policy; involvement & well-being; baseline assessment – prime areas of learning (revised EYFS); characteristics of effective learning; Integrated Progress Review; Transition reports
- Outdoor play; selecting toys and equipment.
Making a positive contribution
- Achieving positive behaviour (includes bullying); behaviour management; staff behaviour.
- Inclusion policy; equality & diversity policy; British Values – PREVENT (see safeguarding file); equal opportunities – valuing diversity promoting equality.
- Settling in policy; key person policy.
- Community links – linking & liaising with other settings (sharing children, passing on reports etc); nursery visits to other settings; fundraising for charities; The Monday Club (a group for the over 70s);
- Complaints.
- Communication with parents, parental involvement & parental feedback.
- Additional needs policy; procedure for additional needs; SEND & additional needs; setting based support plan and progess; record of meetings; healthcare plan to support children with medical conditions.
- Small group & one-to-one support policy.
- Local Offer – our SEN & Disability Offer.
- Working in partnership with other professionals.
- Admissions policy; contract of registration & fee payment policy (includes terms and conditions); fee structure for 2 & 3 year olds; debt recovery; guidance for deferring school entry (ESCC).
- Confidentiality policy; consent to make and use children’s images and voice recordings.
- Privacy notice & parental consent.
- Data Protection; ICO registration & certificate; ESCC guidance on GDPR keeping personal data safe in transit.
- Employers’ liability insurance certificate.
- Staff – staff information & code of conduct; staff appraisals & supervision – supervision policy, agreement, record of meetings; supervision audit; staff appraisals; suitability & disqualification factsheet; staff suitability declaration form blanks; job application form; staff emergency contact details; employee health declaration form; disciplinary and grievance procedure for employees.
The following safeguarding policies are in our separate safeguarding file –
- Safeguarding
- Whistleblowing
- Safeguarding against false allegations
- Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation, Prevent Guidance, British Values
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Transfer of Child Protection Records
- Mobile phones, digital cameras & recording equipment, tablet PCs, social networking & e-safety
- Online safety & acceptable use agreement
Have a question?
If you’d like more details about any of our policies, please get in touch.